Coupled Reaction Channels Calculations


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Computer Program FRESCO


This is the version written at LLNL, with the developments after 2006.

It is available at


Changes from Fresco to Frescox

1. RELA options for relativistic kinematics

2. DGAM for decay angular distributions

3. NUMNODE for MPI operation and NTHREAD for OPENMP
    CCREAL: all potentials and couplings are real-valued, to speed CC solutions
    ELPMAX = energy ELAB below which the LPMAX in each partition are applied

4. ISO for isocentrifugal approximations

5. BTYPE for type of R-matrix boundary condition (including 'A' for Brune basis)
    BNDX replaces EBETA for value in boundary condition

6. MELFIL to write coupling files in mel and spec formats for sturmxx

7. Core-excitation options for XCDCC calculations, with more details in CDCC outputs in fort.57

8. TCFILE to generate transmission coefficients in fort.5420

9. Options PRMAX and LPRMAX1 to vary Rmax and Lmax in each partition separately

10. More SHAPEs for couplings:

14 SHAPE Projectile second-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
15 SHAPE Target second-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
16 SHAPE Target & projectile simultaneous second-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
17 Target & projectile all-order coupled by matrix elements read in.
20 NUM Super-soft N-N potl. of de Tourreil & Sprung (SSC(C))
21 NUM User-supplied N-N potential via subroutine NNPOT.

11. RSMIN, RSMAX,RSALPHA for truncating or damping single-particle states.

12. NLAG for bound states: Use Lagrange mesh to find bound states with NLAG basis functions with code PLUTO

13. PHASE for bin states: Find potential to give phase shift of PHASE degrees at energy -BE for bins. Requires NLAG>0.


1. DAMP for Reich-Moore imaginary energy for damping
    KIND=7 parameters for searching on this value

2. RWA to indicate RWA for R-matrix widths, not formal widths
    B for specific boundary condition number

3. KIND=6 for searching on data energy shifts DATAESHIFT

4. LEG for searching on Legendre coefficients of angular distributions

5. Aflip for changing angle to 180-angle

6. IB for final state after decay step.

7. Linking 2 search parameters by a given ratio

8. More searching commands:

V: query status of unfixed search variables
CHA: query status of changed search variables
CHI: list chi^2 status by dataset
FXWID : fix all R-matrix widths variables.
FXRPE : fix all R-matrix pole energy variables.
FXPBG : fix all pole energies variables with 'BG' in their name.
FXBG : fix all variables with 'BG' in their name.
FXNOR : fix all dataset norm variables (kind=5)
FXSHF : fix all dataset energy shift variables (kind=6)
FREE : free all R-matrix energies and widths variables.
ELIM emin emax: restrict data scans to this energy range for plots and chi^2 sums
POLES emin emax: vary only R-matrix poles in this energy range (others are fixed)

Only in Fresco

Only Fresco has the stabilization method for coupled-channels solutions.