
The &FRESCO namelist

Complete list of variables

Radial coordinates: hcm, rmatch, rintp, hnl, rnl, centre, hnn, rnn, rmin, rsp, cutl, cutr, cutc,
rasym, accrcy, switch, sinjmax, ajswtch,

Partial waves: jtmin, jtmax, absend, jump, jbord, pset, jset, iso, llmax,

Angular distributions: kqmax, thmin, thmax, thinc, pp, koords, nearfa,

Defining coupled equations: inh, nnu, maxl, minl, mtmin, epc, erange, dk, plane, rela,
ccbins, complexbins, sumform, pluto, unitmass, finec,

Incident channel: pel, exl, lab, lin, lex, elab, nlab,

Solving equations: ips, it0, iter, fatal, iblock, pade, nosol, dry, smallchan, smallcoup, hort, rmort,
psiren, initwf, maxcoup, expand,

R-matrix setup: nrbases, nrbmin, pralpha, pcon, rmatr, btype, ebeta, buttle, weak,

Trace variables: chans, listcc, treneg, cdetr, smats,

Output details: xstabl, nlpl, waves, lampl, veff, kfus, nfus, wdisk, bpm, melfil, cdcc,

Radial coordinates


Wave functions calculated at intervals of HCM up to abs(RMATCH).

If RMATCH $<$ 0, then use values of RASYM, ACCRCY, SWITCH, AJSWITCH for coupled Coulomb wave functions.

Non-local kernels $K_{fi}'(R_{f},D_{fi})$ calculated at $R_f$ intervals of RINTP, and for a non-local ($D_{fi}$) range of RNL centred at CENTRE in steps of HNL.

RMATCH and RINTP are rounded to multiples of HCM, and HNL is rounded either to a multiple or a sub-multiple of HCM.

For two-nucleon transfers, the nucleon-nucleon distance is discretized from RMIN to RNN in a multiple of 6 Gaussian quadrature points to give step size close to HNN.

RSP is the upper limit of state radius when folding single-particle states (bound states or continuum bins) with KIND=3 or 4 couplings.

CUTL: set the number of radial points per $\ell$ of the lower radial cutoff when integrating the radial equations. Default = –1.6
When CUTL$>$0, use $\ell=J$ (total angular momentum of CC set),
When CUTL$<$0, use $\ell=L_{in}$ (orbital angular momentum of incoming partial wave). Using CUTL$<$0 gives more accurate analyzing powers.

CUTR = lower radial cutoff (fm). Combining with CUTL is to use $R_{\min}$ = max(CUTL*$\ell$*HCM,CUTR).
If CUTR $<$ 0, put cutoff at point-Coulomb turning point $- \vert$CUTR$\vert$.

CUTC = lower radial cutoff (in fm) for off-diagonal couplings.


Use coupled Coulomb wave functions from CRCWFN out to asymptotic radius RASYM from inner radius abs(RMATCH) for those partitions in which PWF is TRUE.
If RASYM $<$ 0, then determine the outer radius in order that classical Coulomb trajectories reach an angle abs(RASYM) degrees.

ACCRCY is an accuracy parameter controlling the piecewise step length. Default is 0.01: smaller values give greater accuracy.

SWITCH is the radius at which to switch from Airy functions to sines and cosines in piecewise method. Default is 1000 fm. If SINJMAX$>0$, then change switchover condition to $J>$ SINJMAX.

AJSWITCH Normally the Coupled Coulomb wfns are matched to zero and the Numerov integration is omitted when the Coulomb distance of closest approach is more than 4.5 fm outside abs(RMATCH) (or the –CUTR distance if CUTR negative). This is only allowed when $J \geq $AJSWITCH. Default is 0.0

Partial waves

Calculate coupled-channels sets with total $J$ in the interval max(0,JTMIN) $< J <$ JTMAX, stopping sooner if the absorption from the elastic channel is less than ABSEND millibarns of three successive $J$/parity sets. (If ABSEND $<$ 0, this takes the full $J$ interval.)
If JLEAST$>0$, then only stop if $J>$ JLEAST.
If JTMIN $<$ 0, then for $J <$ abs(JTMIN) include only the incoming channel in the calculations, ignoring transfers and excited states. This is needed if the elastic scattering cross sections are to be given correctly.

JUMP(1:), JBORD(1:)
Calculate coupled-channels sets not for every $J$ value, but at intervals of JUMP(i) for $J \geq $ JBORD(i), for i=1,5. (The program sets JUMP(0)=1 & JBORD(0)=JTMIN, and, if there are NJ non-zero values, also JBORD(NJ+1)=JTMAX. This gives no $J$ jumping if JUMP and JBORD are not set in the namelist.) The omitted $J$ values are provided by interpolation on the scattering amplitudes $A(m'M':mM; L)$ prior to calculating cross sections.

If PSET = –1 or +1, restrict parity of CRC sets to that value (0 = no restriction)

JSET = number of CRC sets to calculate before stopping (0 = all sets)

= `A' or `J', for replacing all barriers $L(L+1)$ by that for $L = J$ barrier
= `B' or `L', for replacing all barriers by $L = L_{in}$ barrier.
= 0 or blank, for no isocentrifugal approximations,

Of course, the simplest and fastest way to use the isocentrifugal approximation is to put all spins and parities to $0^+$, and all transition multipoles to $k=0$. The ISO variable is not needed then.

Maximum partial wave $L$ in any CRC set.

Angular distributions


Give cross sections (and tensor analyzing powers up to rank K = KQMAX) for centre-of-mass scattering angle from THMIN to abs(THMAX) in steps of THINC.
Elastic channels normally output the ratio to Rutherford, unless THMAX $< 0$.

Calculate analyzing powers/polarizations for projectile (PP=0 or blank), target (PP=1), ejectile (PP=2) or residual nucleus (PP=3). PP=4 gives projectile (PP=0) analyzing powers, along with Kyy results.

determines the coordinate systems used for the analyzing powers:
= 0 : Madison coordinates (default)
= 1 : Madison + Transverse
= 2 : Madison + Transverse + Recoil
= 3 : Madison + Transverse + Recoil + Hooton-Johnson

For mod(NEARFA,10) values:
= 0 or 1 for the usual cross sections,
= 2 or –2 for printing `far side' cross sections too,
= 3 or –3 for printing far and near side cross sections too.
$>$ 0 for printing far & near-sides for elastic channel only.
$<$ 0 for printing far & near-sides for all channels.
If abs(NEARFA)$>$10, also split the Coulomb amplitude according to Cha, CPC 176 (2007) 318.

If COMPLEXBINS=T, allow for complex-valued bins (e.g. from optical potentials)
If CCBINS=T, allow for coupled-channels bins, which are necessarily complex-valued.

Defining coupled equations

= 0 : zero-range transfer forms in intervals of HCM exactly
= 1 : stored in steps of HCM * (proj. core)/(proj. composite mass)
= 2 : stored in steps of HCM * (targ. core)/(targ. composite mass)
So INH=2 corrects for longitudinal recoil during transfers with zero-range projectiles.

control the accuracy of non-local transfer form factors:

NNU is the number of Gaussian integration points in the angular integration used for the non-local transfer kernels. NNU should be a multiple of 6; NNU = 18 is the minimum, and 24 or 36 give acceptable accuracy for all the reactions tried so far.

MAXL,MINL are the maximum and minimum $L$ values for the non-local kernels. If zero, MAXL has the default value JTMAX+6, and if MINL $<$ 0 it takes the default value $\vert$JTMIN$\vert$-6.

MTMIN is the lowest L-transfer for calculating transfer form factors using the m-dependent expressions for spherical harmonics. Putting MTMIN = 0 gives default value MTMIN = 6 (use MTMIN $<$ 0 to avoid invoking default, if all transfers are to use this method).

EPC = percentage cutoff accuracy in the NNU angular integration. If zero, the default is (30/NNU)$^2$%.

set default parameters for continuum bins:

ERANGE = range of energies of the upper and lower boundaries of continuum bins:
if ERANGE $>$ 0, then ratio of these energies;
if ERANGE $<$ 0, then difference of the energies in MeV.

DK = step size of $k$ (fm$^{-1}$) for integration over the ERANGE to construct the continuum bin.

= 1, 3: zero Coulomb potential for elastic channel
= 2, 3: zero Coulomb potentials for all nonelastic channels.

$\neq$'': use relativistic kinematics for the incident projectile:
If RELA contains `a', use Ingemarsson eq(16) for kinematics
If RELA contains `b', use Ingemarsson eq(17) for kinematics
If RELA contains `c' or `3d', options for knockout reactions
If RELA contains `na' to use potential factor $\gamma$ for inhomogenous terms.

= list of potential numbers KP to be prepared for the Lagrange-mesh method for single-particle eigenstates.

: unit (in amu) for MASS values read in. Default = 1.000

: 1/(fine-structure constant): used to determine electrostatic $e^2$. Default = 137.03599.

Incident channel

Incoming plane waves are present in partition PEL with excitation pair EXL. The energies ELAB(:) are the laboratory energies for partition LAB's nucleus LIN (1 or 2 for projectile or target) in excitation pair LEX.

The defaults for PEL,EXL,LIN & LEX are all 1, and the default for LAB is PEL, so these variables can be normally omitted.

ELAB(:5), NLAB(:4)
: Solve at different laboratory energies $E$ until ELAB(i) = 0 is found.
If NLAB(i) $>$ 1, then the range of $E$ from ELAB(i) to ELAB(i+1) is covered in NLAB(i) linear intervals.
For just one energy $E$, just specify 'ELAB = $E$'.

Solving equations


Solve the coupled channels equations by at least IT0 iterations, and up to ITER iterations. Stop sooner if the absolute differences between successive $S$-matrix elements (scaled by (2$J$+1)/(2.JTMAX+1)) are less than IPS percent. (Excited state pairs with IGNORE set in the &STATE namelist are not counted against IPS).

Putting IT0=ITER zero solves only the elastic channel (along with the IBLOCK channels: see below). Putting IT0=ITER = 1 or 2 etc. gives 1 or 2-step DWBA.

Normally, a run is terminated if more than ITER steps are required for convergence.
Setting FATAL=False allows continuation even after convergence has failed after abs(ITER) iterations.

Iterations are normally also stopped if the successive differences are smaller than the errors estimated for the numerical integration of the coupled equations. Setting IPS $< 0$ uses abs(IPS), without this extra check.

IBLOCK is the number of pairs of excitation levels (starting from partition 1, excitation 1) that are coupled exactly by blocking together.

PADE = 0 for no Pade acceleration,
= 1 for Pade acceleration by the epsilon algorithm,
= 2 for Pade acceleration by finding the N/D polynomials.

HORT = radial interval step at which QR stabilization is performed
RMORT = radius outside classical turning point to which to extend orthogonalizing.
See section 9 for more details.

: if not to solve the CRC equations, only construct couplings

normally F (false), but if T (true) the code does a `dry run' to check that all arrays are of sufficient size. All coupled channel sets are generated, but only the elastic channels should be non-zero.

SMALLCHAN = fraction of unitarity to define a 'small channel'. A channel that is `small' for NSMALL=5 times is dropped permanently.

SMALLCOUP: if all nonelastic channels are weaker than the fraction SMALLCOUP of unitarity, then permanently change from coupled-channels to DWBA.

: do simple renormalisation of channel wfs after Pade acceleration
: read in external scattering wave functions before iterating couplings. $>0$: read in formatted data from file number INITWF.
$< 0$: read in unformatted data from file number INITWF.
The file format is that which is produced when WAVES$>0$. All channels not read in are set to zero.

: fudge limits and factors (respectively) to adjust sizes of generated work arrays.

R-matrix setup

When NRBASES$\neq$0, R-matrix solutions are selected then all channels are `blocked' together and solved in a full CRC procedure. All non-local potentials are included to all all orders (not iteratively).

NRBASES = target number of radial basis states in each channel. (Use 2*NRBASES for the elastic and first-inelastic channel for more accuracy).
If NRBASES $<$ 0, then use Lagrange mesh basis with NLAG=–NRBASES basis functions.

NRBMIN = minimum number of radial basis states (default NRBASES).

BUTTLE = 4 for none, 0,2 for complex, 1,3 for real (2,3 without energy shift) Buttle correction.
(default 0)

PRALPHA = print basis-state eigenvalues to files fort.60,61,62,63

PCON = trace variable for calculation of radial basis states (same meaning as IPC for single-particle bound states).

RMATR = R-matrix matching radius (default RMATCH ). Warning: RMATR will be changed to an even multiple of HCM.

Energy EBETA = $\hbar^2k^2/2m$, where $k= f'/f$, the logarithmic derivative for all radial basis states at $r$=RMATR, with $k$ having the same sign as EBETA.

If WEAK$>$0, then non-elastic columns of the R-matrix are set to zero, when penetrabilities $<$ WEAK.

Read in this number of R-matrix parameter namelists after the &FRESCO namelist.

Trace variables

A value of 0 gives no trace, increasing values give progressively more printed output.
Decremented variables are decreased by 1 on each use.

$\geq $ 1 : Print the sets of coupled partial waves for each J,parity. Decremented.

= 1 : Print coupling coefficients between these channels. Decremented.
= 1,2,... Print progressively more detail of couplings.
$\geq $ 1 : Print all multipole potentials
$\geq $ 3 : Print all monopole potentials as well
$\geq $ 1 : Print information on the solving of the coupled equations. (decremented).
$\geq $ 1 : Print absorbtion & reaction cross sections for successive partitions and excitations.
$\geq $ 2 : Print elastic S-matrix elements ($S_{el}$). Also `punch' these elastic $S_{el}$ on output file 7, in format (2F15.10,L,J,JTOT) for $S_{el}$ complex, L, J and JTOT. See WDISK below for description of these quantum numbers.
$\geq $ 3 : Print all S-matrix elements for the `grazing partial waves' defined by $0.05 < Re(S_{el}) < 0.95$
$\geq $ 4 : Always print all the S-matrix elements.
$\geq $ 5 : Print all S-matrix elements at each iteration of the coupled equations (or, if PADE $>$ 0, the Pade approximant)
$\geq $ 6 : Print all actual S-matrix elements at each iteration (these may be divergent before Pade acceleration).

Output details


$\neq$ 0 : If XSTABL is non-zero, in file 16 punch output cross sections for all excitation levels in all partitions. A header line in FORMAT(5I6) gives partition IC, level pair IA, number of tensor ranks of analyzing powers 1 $<$ KQ1PR $<$ XSTABL, number of angles NANGL, and NEARF. NEARF=1 for total cross section, 2 for far-side component, and 3 for near-side component.

Then follow NANGL print operations in FORMAT(1P,6E12.4), repeating the FORMAT for each operation if KQ1PR is large, of THETA, elastic xs (mb), $T_{10}$, $iT_{11}$, $T_{20}$, $T_{21}$, $T_{22}$, $iT_{30}$, $iT_{31}$ etc.

$>$ 0 : print a `contour plot' of the non-local kernels $K_{fi}(R_{f},D_{fi})$. This is useful to determine if the parameters in the &Fresco namelist are adequate. Decremented.

$\pm$1 or $\pm$3 : print out wave function solutions of the coupled equations at the end of the iterations. (If WAVES$<$0 : print out the RATIO of the w/f to its asymptotic form $((G-iF) - S.(G+iF)).i/2$)
2 or 3 : print out the source terms at each iteration of the coupled equations.

$\neq$ 0: Print out (on Fortran file 36) the coefficients $A(m'M':mM; L)$ for the Legendre coefficients in the scattering amplitude for the partition number abs(LAMPL), and print out the $f(m'M':mM; \theta)$ for each angle $\theta$.
$<$0 : only print out on file 37 the amplitudes $f$, not the $A$'s, for partition abs(LAMPL).

The phase convention here is that there is no Coulomb phase shift for $L = 0$ in the Coulomb scattering amplitude : factors such as $\exp i(\sigma_L-\sigma_0))$ appear in the $A$'s.

$\neq$ 0 : Calculate the `coupled channels effective potential' found be averaging the `trivially equivalent potential' over all the $J,\pi$ sets, with weights of the elastic wave functions times the reaction cross section, in each set.
$<$ 0 : Add this effective potential to optical potential of the elastic channel before printing.
= –2 or +2 : Exclude partial waves with elastic $S$-matrix element $S_\ell< 0.1$ from the averaging sum.
The results show the real and imaginary parts for successive values of $J-L$, for the projectile only.

If KFUS $>$ 0 : Calculate `core fusion' using the imaginary and scalar parts of potential number KFUS (i.e.&pot namelists with TYPE = 1 or 2, and KP = KFUS), also for the first NFUS inelastic channels.

= 1 : Print elastic wave functions on output file 17, FORMATTED
= 2 : Print all wave functions on output file 17, FORMATTED
=–1 : Print elastic wave functions on output file 17, UNFORMATTED
=–2 : Print all wave functions on output file 17, UNFORMATTED

The following data formats are used when WDISK $>$ 0 :
line A: (I4,2F8.4,F8.1,I3)
           number radial points, step size, lab. energy,  J,pi,
           projectile and target masses and charges
line B: (2I4,2F6.1,I4,F6.1,2F15.10,f12.8)
         IT,L,J,JTOT,LIN,JIN,SMAT (complex), ETA

IT = index to excited state pair, counts lines 7.
L = partial wave
J = L + projectile spin
JTOT = total spin = J$_{total}$ = J + target spin
LIN = incoming partial wave
JIN = incoming J value.
SMAT = S matrix element for this partial wave.

line C: (6E12.4)   (psi(I),I=1,NR)   wave function
line C is repeated until NR complex values given
NB: the first point psi(1) = 0 always, as at r=0
Lines B & C are repeated for each channel, until IT $<$ 0.
When WDISK $<$ 0, successive records contain the two real values of psi(I), starting IN THIS CASE, from I=2 (i.e. $r=h$).

$\geq $ 1 : Calculate fusion cross sections in the Barrier Penetration Model using first the bare potential, and then the bare potential + the `weighted equivalent potential' calculated when VEFF $\neq$ 0.
$\geq $ 2 : Print out $L$-distributions of the fusion cross section.

$\ne$ 0 : Write real files 53 and 54 in the `mel' and `spec' format for use e.g. by R-matrix program sturmxx.
= $\pm$2 : Write complex files 53 and 54 in the `mel' and `spec' format.
$<$ 0 : Write file 53 `mel' in text format format.

CDCC = 1
: Print out the $f(m'M':mM; \theta)$ for each angle $\theta$ on file 57 for partition PEL, after the following information for uncoupled bin states:
line Y:(i2)  1    (indicating CDCC=1 format below)
line Z: (A120)   HEADNG from Fresco input.
line A: (F10.4,3F8.4)   ENLAB,Bproj,H2SM,e^2,Btarg,inp, (Qval if inp=1)
              lab energy,projectile binding energy, hbar^2/2.m, e^2, 
              target binding energy,inp, Qval if inp=1
line B: (7f8.4)         massp,masst,massc,massv,massr  
                                         masses: projectile,target,core,valence,residual
line C: (7f8.4)         Zp,Zt,Zc,Zv,Zr                charges
line D: (7A8)           namep,namet,namec,namev,namer names
line E: (7f8.1)         Jp,Jt,Jc,Jv,Jr                g.s. spins
line F: (7i8)           Pp,Pt,Pc,Pv,Pr                g.s. parities
   If inp=1, cards B-F (incl) have further #6 and #7 values 
                for 'initial projectile' and 'initial target' too.
line G: (4I4)           NBINS,NKMAX,NEXB,NNJMAX no. CDCC bins, max NK,
                                                no. excited states, max(2*Jex+1)
line H: (I4,2f8.4)      NANGL,THMIN,THINC       (cm angular range from \&FRESCO)
for each of the NBINS bins:
 line I:(i2,2f4.1,3f8.4,2i4)
            l,j: quantum numbers  (s==Jv)
            Emid:  centre of bin with respect to continuum threshold
            kmin,kmax,NK: Min,max and number of k values in bin integral
            KN:  original KN index for bin state
            ISC:  normalisation used for bin
     for each IK=1,NK
         line J: (10f8.4) delta(IK): nuclear phase shift used in bin integral (radians)

for each excited state pair in the entrance partition: IA=1,NEXB::
    line K: (f4.1,i4,f8.4,i4) Jex,Parity,Eex,IBIN:
            Jex :          spin of this projectile excited state  (not including core spin)
            Parity:        parity of this projectile state
            Eex:           excitation energy of this state above g.s.
            IBIN:          (first) bin defined for this excited state
    for each IANG=1,NANGL: read complex numbers:
    line L: (6E12.4): ((FAM(MEX,MP,IANG,IA),MEX=1,2*Jex(IA)+1),MP=1,2*Jp+1)

The phase convention for all CDCC values is that there is no Coulomb phase shift for $L = 0$ in the Coulomb scattering amplitude : factors such as $\exp i(\sigma_L-\sigma_0))$ appear in the $A$'s.t

Summary of bin normalisation factors for different ISC values:


= 2: $\exp(-i\delta(k))$
= 4: $\sin(\delta(k))\exp(-i\delta(k))$
= 12: $k\exp(-i\delta(k))$
= 14: $k\sin(\delta(k))\exp(-i\delta(k))$

CDCC = 2
: Print out the $f(m'M':mM; \theta)$ for each angle $\theta$ on file 57 for partition PEL, after the following information for coupled bin states:

line Y:(i2)  2    (indicating CDCC=2 format below)
line Z: (A120)   HEADNG from Fresco input.
line A: (F10.4,3F8.4)   ENLAB,Bproj,H2SM,e^2,Btarg,inp, Qval if inp=1
                  lab energy,projectile binding energy, hbar^2/2.m, e^2, 
                  target binding energy,inp, Qval 
line B: (7f8.4)         massp,masst,massc,massv,massr  
                                         masses: projectile,target,core,valence,residual
line C: (7f8.4)         Zp,Zt,Zc,Zv,Zr                charges
line D: (7A8)           namep,namet,namec,namev,namer names
line E: (7f8.1)         Jp,Jt,Jc,Jv,Jr                g.s. spins
line F: (7i8)           Pp,Pt,Pc,Pv,Pr                g.s. parities
   If inp=1, cards B-F (incl) have further #6 and #7 values 
                for 'initial projectile' and 'initial target' too.

                                                no. CDCC bins, max NK,
                                                no. excited states, max(2*Jex+1), max nch
line H: (I4,2f8.4)      NANGL,THMIN,THINC       (cm angular range from \&FRESCO)
line I: (I4)                NCE              (number of excited states. NCE=0 for only gs).
for each of the ICE=1...NCE core excited states  (card skipped if NCE=0)
lines J: (I4,2f8.4)      IPARCE, JCE, ECE    (parity -1,+1; spin; energy of excited states)
                         (for the gs: parity=Pc, spin=Jc, energy=0.0)
for each of the NBINS bins:
 card K:(f4.1,2I4,f4.1,3f8.4,2i4)
            Jex: overall spin  [ (l s)j, JCE(ICE); Jex>
            Pex: overall parity = parity(ICE) * (-1)**l
            nch: number of partial wave channels coupled to Jex/Pex.
            IL: incident channel (1<= IL <= nch)
            Emid:  centre of bin with respect to continuum threshold
            kmin,kmax,NK: Min,max and number of k values in bin integral
            KN:  original KN index for bin state
            ISC:  normalisation used for bin
         For each partial wave c=1..nch
         line L: (i4,f4.1,i4)
            l,j,ICE: quantum numbers. Use s=Jv.            
     for each IK=1,NK for    k=kmin+(IK-1)*kinc where kinc = (kmax-kmin)/(NK-1)
         line M: (2f10.6) delta(IK),k: any nuclear phase shift used in bin integral (radians)
         line N: (10f10.6) S(:,:)     the full scattering S matrix for nch channels 
                                        (always nch*nch, so closed channels included)

for each excited state pair in the entrance partition: IA=1,NEXB::
    line K: (f4.1,i4,f8.4,i4) Jex,Parity,Eex,IBIN:
            Jex :          spin of this projectile excited state (including core spin)
            Pex:           parity of this projectile state
            Eex:           excitation energy of this state above g.s. (including core energy)
            IBIN:          (first) bin defined for this excited state
    for each IANG=1,NANGL: read complex numbers:
    line L: (6E12.4): ((FAM(MEX,MP,IANG,IA),MEX=1,2*Jex(IA)+1),MP=1,2*Jp+1)

: name of directory for temporary files: `/tmp' or `.' Default = /tmp/