... space[*]
The internal error matrix maintained by Minuit is transformed for the user into external coordinates, but the numbering of rows and columns is of course still according to internal parameter numbering, since one does not want rows and columns corresponding to parameters which are not variable. The transformation therefore affects only parameters with limits; if there are no limits, internal and external error matrices are the same.
INTRAC is available from the CERN Program Library for all common computers, and in the worst case can be replaced by a LOGICAL FUNCTION returning a value of .TRUE. or .FALSE. depending on whether or not Minuit is being used interactively.
... comma[*]
In older versions of Minuit, there was a special format for the MINOs command, when specifying a list of parameters; the new Minuit reads the MINOs command with the same free-field format as the other commands, so if parameter numbers are specified, they must now be separated by a blank or comma.
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