File allocations

File Format LRECL Access Routines Use
no. (Fix/Var) (bytes) (Seq/Ran)
1 V S SFRESCO FRESCO input when searching
2 V S SFRESCO Search specification file
3 V S FREADF, FR Temporary namelists: file
4 F 80 S INTER external KIND=1,2 form factors
POTENT external potentials
5 F 80 S standard input
6 V 142 S standard output
7 F 80 S DISPX elastic S-matrix elements
8 F sector R FR,INTER s/p wfs, channel wfs
9 F NLL*NLO*16 R Q/KERNEL complex transfer multipoles
10 V S FR,CRISS S-matrix elements (cfs)
11 F NLL*NLO*8 R Q/KERNEL real transfer multipole
12 V NLL*NLO*16 S KERNEL/SOURCE transfer kernels
13 F 80 S FR total cross sections for each Elab
14 V S INTER/CPAIR interaction potentials
16 F 80 S CRISS tables of cross sections
17 F 80 S FR output scattering waves
18 V S FR wfns of 'best' iterate
19 F N S FR Local couplings
20–33 Available for users (eg bound states, amplitudes)
34 F 80 S POTENT output potentials
35 F 80 S FR Astrophysical S-factors for Ecm
36 CRISS output scattering AMPL amplitudes
37 CRISS output scattering FAM amplitudes
38 F 80 S DISPX cross sections for each J/pi
39 F 80 S FR 2 cross sections for each Elab
40 F 80 S FR all cross sections for each Elab
41 F 80 S SOURCE source terms at each iteration
42 F 80 S SOURCE bin wavefunctions for each E
43 F 80 S INFORM bin phase shifts as k functions
44 F 80 S INFORM bin phase shifts as E functions
45 F 80 S ERWIN scat phase shift as E functions
46 F 80 S INFORM bs wave functions & Whit ratios
47 F 80 S reduced matrix elements
48 V 133 S FR misc log file
55 F INFORM Single-particle wave functions
56 F FR Jtotal fusion & reaction cross
57 F FR Output of CDCC amplitudes
58 F INFORM Bound state wave functions
59 F INFORM Bound state vertex functions
60-62 F RMATRIX Trace of R-matrix calculations
65 V RMATRIX Diagonalization results
66 V NLL*NLO*16 S INTER KIND=1 nonlocal formfactor
71 F 132 S FR 20 pw phase shifts as Elab functions
75 F S FR Astrophysical S-factors for Elab

File Format LRECL Access Routines Use
no. (Fix/Var) (bytes) (Seq/Ran)
89 F MULTIP Folded coupling potentials
90 F Mean elastic optical potential xys
91 F Mean elastic optical potential for re-reading
105 V S FCN $\chi^2$ progress during fitting
156 F FR Jtotal fusion & reaction cross & parity
200 F 80 S CRISS Elastic cross section if not fort.201
201-210 F 80 S CRISS Cross sections (cf 14) for states 1-10
301 V S CDCIN New Fresco input
302 V S CDCIN New Fresco input (temp)
303 V S SFRESCO Input search file
304 V S SFRESCO Output plot file
305 V S CDCIN New Fresco input from cdcin, col format
306 V S SFRESCO/FRXX0 Input Fresco file
307 V S SFRESCO/FRXX0 Initial Output Fresco file
308 V S SFRESCO/FRXX0 Main Output Fresco file